Together with the Regent Ponorogo, the PPK ORMAWA UNIPMA Team had a relaxing dinner and coffee together 

The UNIPMA ORMAWA 2023 PPK Team together with the Regent  Ponorogo held a relaxing dinner and coffee together after inaugurating Sendang Sentul as a new tourist attraction in the Ponorogo Regency area.

The evening event was warm, relaxed and full of intimacy at the official residence the Regent  Ponorogo Regency.

The PPK ORMAWA UNIPMA 2023 group enjoyed dishes prepared by the Regent  Ponorogo, H. Sugiri Sancoko, S.E., M.M or usually known as Kang Sugiri.

Deputy Chancellor for Division I, Dr. Elva Nuraina, SE., M.Si, expressed her gratitude for the dinner given by the Regent of Ponorogo and also did not miss the dinner and coffee together.

"My group and I are very grateful for the dinner and banquet provided by the Regent of Ponorogo, Kang Sugiri. The coffee is not bitter and makes my eyes open," said Dr. Elva Nuraina, S.E., M.Si. Sunday, October 8 2023.

With the PPK ORMAWA UNIPMA 2023 from the Student Executive Board (BEM) Team, the Regent of Ponorogo really appreciates and will support 100 percent for the progress of the work program from UNIPMA and the students who really care about the potential of tourist villages in Ponorogo.

The Regent also added that Ponorogo Regency is currently moving towards a culture-based area, there will be the construction of a museum and Reog Ponorogo has been designated by UNESCO as a cultural heritage. The dinner and coffee together event was closed with a group photo.