UNIPMA Holds Career Fair and Alumni Training for Even Semester 2022/2023 

Universitas PGRI Madiun once again successfully held a Career Fair and Alumni Training for Even Semester 2022/2023, with the theme "Create My Own Career". The activity took place at Graha Ilmu Madiun.

The series of events lasted for 5 days, starting from 18 -22 September 2023. Day 1 was debriefing for University alumni, Day 2 was Career Fair, Day 3 was Debriefing for FKIP Alumni, Day 4 was debriefing for FEB, and Day 5 was debriefing for FIKS and FT.

The Career Fair and Alumni Debriefing felt even more special because the enthusiasm of prospective alumni students, invited guests from the Scholar Vocational School, and the enthusiasm of companies from related institutions participated in enlivening the Career Fair and Alumni Debriefing.

The UNIPMA Career Fair and Alumni Training activities were even more interesting by presenting speakers from Yogyakarta Technology University (UTY) lecturers who are experts in the field of Public Speaking, namely Nararya Rahardia Budiono, S.Pd, M.Pd., CNCP., CPSP., CLMA., CSRP and Sella Gurus Musika, S.Pd are alumni of the Biology Study Program who are involved in the Steak Bledek business world.

The activity was opened by the Deputy Chancellor for Field I, Dr. Elva Nuraina, SE., M.Si, conveyed to alumni that this activity was a form of the University's concern for prospective alumni.

"Make the best use of the Career Fair and Alumni Provisioning activities to absorb public speaking knowledge and entrepreneurship tips to use as provisions for entering the world of careers." Said Dr. Elva Nuraina, SE., M.Sc.

There are 25 corporate and institutional partners in this Career Fair and Alumni Training activity. These include Yessles Tutoring, Free Tutoring, PNM Madiun, Mandiri Utama Finance, PT Era Permata Sejahtera, Zona Legal Indonesia, LKBH Imparcial, Jihan Lawyer, CV Amins Project Teknologi Indonesia, BTPN Syariah, Adira, PT Valdo Sumber Mandiri, Genza Education Tutoring , Maju HW, PT Indraco, PT Sahada Laku Utama, Auto 2000, PT Arta Boga Cemerlang, BFI Finance, PT Cahaya Bintang Madiun, PT Mayora, Bank Panin, DNY Skin Care, PT CCLE, and Honda Madiun.

Ahmad Nur Azis, S.Pd., M.Ak as the chief organizer expressed the hope that the Career Fair and Alumni Training activities would provide a bridge for prospective alumni to have an idea of ​​future career planning.

"Career fair activities and provision of alumni for the Even Semester 2022/2023 are not only carried out periodically but are also the goal of prospective alumni students as job seekers, for companies and institutions as job vacancy providers or recruiters." Said Ahmad Nur Azis, S.Pd., M.Ak.