Corruption, Sexual Violence, Bullying and Intolerance Become Lessons for UNIPMA MKWK Activities Based on 4 Antis, Important, Lets Get to Know Together! 

The BANPEM MKWK Universitas PGRI Madiun Grant Implementation Committee Team is the implementing unit for this activity. one of the tasks of the MKWK team is to create better 4 anti character education at university level. One of the tasks is to give assignments to students to make videos about Character Education 4 anti-sexual violence, bullying, corruption and intolerance.

In the MKWK activities there are also 2 courses that can carry out projects such as Pancasila education with lecturer Dimas Pramodya Dwipayana, S.H., M.H and Islamic religious education with lecturer Dr. Rosyida Nurul Anwar, S.Pd., M.Pd.I.

These two courses are a bridge to the introduction and education of Character Education 4 anti in the academic realm.

Chief Executive of the activity, Mr. Muh. Nur Luthfi Aziz, S.Kom., M.Kom and the Deputy Executive, Mr. Asroful Kadafi, S.Pd., M.Pd, together conveyed how to overcome and prevent these four critical issues.

1. Anti-corruption

Increase transparency in the use of public funds and decision-making processes, encourage active community participation in monitoring and monitoring public funds, strengthen law enforcement, increase education and awareness regarding the impact of acts of corruption, and activate the whistleblower system to report anti-corruption acts.

2. Anti-sexual violence

Increasing public awareness regarding the definition, impact and consequences of sexual violence, providing comprehensive sexual education to children and adolescents, increasing access to medical services, counseling and legal protection for victims of sexual violence, as well as strengthening law enforcement and ensuring that perpetrators of sexual violence must punished fairly.

3. Anti-Bullying

Building an inclusive culture that respects differences and rejects all forms of bullying, implementing policies and procedures that protect individuals from bullying in schools, workplaces and communities, providing anti-bullying education and training to the community, especially the younger generation, and encouraging active community participation in reporting bullying and provide support to victims.

4. Anti-Intolerance

Building communication between different community groups for the purpose of understanding and respect, providing education about the importance of tolerance, supporting legislation and policies to protect human rights and prohibiting discrimination, encouraging active participation in social movement organizations that fight for justice and inclusion, and teaching the values ​​of tolerance for mutual understanding from an early age.

“By taking these steps, we can proactively address these issues to build a more just, safe and inclusive society. "It is important to involve all parties, including the government, related institutions, civil society and individuals," said Mr Muh. Nur Luthfi Aziz, S.Kom., M.Kom as the chief organizer of the activity.

This activity aims to introduce students to the understanding of the four critical issues raised. The following is an explanation of the meaning of the four critical issue understandings that are being discussed.

1. Anti-Corruption

Issues related to fighting corruption in various sectors, both government and private. Because corruption will harm all parties and it is important to encourage transparency, accountability and strong law enforcement.

2. Anti-Sexual Violence

Issues involving the protection of individuals from all forms of sexual violence. As well as the importance of increasing awareness to eradicate sexual violence.

3. Anti-Bullying

Issues related to efforts to prevent bullying, especially in schools and workplaces. Bullying will have a negative impact on the victim, so the importance of education will create public awareness and play a role in eradicating bullying.

4. Anti-Intolerance

Issues involve rejecting attitudes and actions that do not respect individual differences such as religion, ethnicity, race, or sexual orientation. So it is very important to cultivate social sensitivity and respect the human rights of every individual human being.

Mr Muh. Nur Luthfi Aziz, S.Kom., M.Kom also conveyed a message about how important it is to maintain integrity, have responsibility, and dare to speak out against injustice to support the victims of this issue.

“It is very important to maintain integrity and honesty in every aspect of our lives, both as individuals and as part of society. We all have a responsibility to protect human rights and prevent abuse of power in the form of corruption, sexual violence.

“It is very important to maintain integrity and honesty in every aspect of our lives, both as individuals and as part of society. We all have a responsibility to protect human rights and prevent abuse of power in the form of corruption, sexual violence, bullying and intolerance. We also dare to speak out and fight injustice and support the victims of these issues." Message from the father who is often called Pak Luthfi.

He also hopes for the creation of a just, safe and inclusive society where every individual is respected and protected. In the future, the government and law enforcement will become a strong foundation for taking firm action against perpetrators of corruption, sexual violence, bullying and intolerance.