Collaborating with the Nueva Ecija University of Science & Technology (NEUST) Philippines, the Physics Education Study Program at the PGRI Madiun University is Ready to Create Go International Teachers, Heres the Review
The PGRI Madiun University guest lecture program with NEUST Philippines has taken place. "Physics Education UNIPMA hopes that next year it will collaborate and collaborate with NEUST not only in the field of Education and Learning but also in the field of research or research." Said Mrs. Farida Huriawati, S.Sc., M.Sc as Chair of the Physics Education Study Program (Head of Study Program). As Competency Strengthening and Strengthening Higher Education's Tri Dharma from UNIPMA's Educative Personnel (Physics Education Lecturer).
This collaboration was marked by a meeting in the Physics Study Program room on Friday, 5 May 2023. A meeting between Dr. Analiza B. Tanghal from NEUST Philippines with the Head of Physics Education Study Program Ms. Farida Huriawati, S.Sc., M.Sc, and Study Program Secretary (Sekprodi) Mr. Mislan Sasono, S.Pd.Si., M.Pd, along with Lecturers in the program Physics Education studies.
In this Guest Lecture collaboration, the goal is to share knowledge from NEUST or UNIPMA. In addition to strengthening and establishing cooperation to improve the quality of learning for students within the scope of the study program to strengthen the University related to the Main Performance Indicators of Higher Education.
"The enthusiasm of the Physics Study Program students and students is very positive because it can provide new experiences and knowledge for Physics Education study program students," said Farida Huriawati, S.Si., M.Sc.
In this guest lecture session, Mrs. Farida Huriawati, S.Sc., M.Sc. as the Head of the Physics Education Study Program emphasized that the guest lecture activities provided a lot of benefits for UNIPMA's physics education study programs and students. Where Physics Education in carrying out guest lecture activities carried out activities with a positive response. This was seen by the enthusiasm of students in participating in guest lectures organized by UNIPMA and NEUST.
“Physics is an abstract learning that needs a better understanding. In physics lectures, surrounding phenomena can be presented which can be explained concretely so that they are easy to understand. The explanation is assisted by other related disciplines such as chemistry, biology, and mathematics.” Added Farida Huriawati, S.Si., M.Sc.
The UNIPMA Physics Education Study Program conducts collaboration in the form of guest lecture activities aimed at facilitating students to gain new experience and knowledge in strengthening the profile of physics education graduates in entering the world of work as prospective physics education teachers and carrying out the policy of the Minister of Education and Culture regarding Independent Learning Independent Campus (MBKM).
"In addition, the UNIPMA Physics Education Study Program has a scientific publication journal room, namely the Physics and Scientific Education Journal (JPFK) which is indexed Sinta 2 with a focus and scope of various topics of physics and physics education articles including Physics Education Research, Development of Media and Physics Learning Models, Evaluation and Assessment of learning physics, Research and Development of Physics Education, theoretical physics, and Applied Physics. With the Collaboration between UNIPMA and NEUST as well as Guest Lectures conducted in physics education study programs, it is hoped that we can collaborate and exchange scientific journal reviewers in study programs to increase journal accreditation to Sinta 1.” Added Farida Huriawati, S.Si., M.Sc. and Mislan Sasono, S.Pd.Si., M.Pd.
The guest lecture meeting was closed by giving souvenirs from UNIPMA Physics Education by the Head of Study Program as a form of memento and gifts to NEUST Philippines in collaboration and cooperation between UNIPMA physics education and the NEUST Philippines College of Arts and Sciences.