FT UNIPMA Holds Odd Semester Judiciary, 18 Students Earn Bachelor of Engineering degrees 

As many as 18 graduates graduated from the Faculty of Engineering (FT) Universitas PGRI Madiun (UNIPMA), graduated and won a Bachelor of Engineering degree. Of these, 12 participants were from the Informatics Engineering Study Program, 3 participants from the Information Systems Study Program, 1 participant from the Chemical Engineering Study Program, and 2 participants from the Electrical Engineering Study Program.

Undergraduate Diploma 1 Judicial Faculty of Engineering Odd Semester Period March 2023, held in the smart classroom room on the 4th floor of the UNIPMA integrated lab, Wednesday (15/3/2023), attended by Deputy Chancellor for Field I Dr. Elva Nuraina, SE., M.Si Dean of the Faculty of Engineering Nasrul Rofiah Hidayati, S.T., M.Pd. Deputy Deans, heads of study programs, lecturers and education staff, and FT UNIPMA laboratory assistants.

In the remarks of Vice Chancellor I, Dr. Elva Nuraina, SE., M.Sc., said that the nudism participants would soon enter real world competition, and would meet new partners from different science and technology fields. This is where openness to differences in science and technology becomes the most important attitude in studying real world problems through various perspectives which in turn will enrich the mastery of knowledge.

"Congratulations and success to the UNIPMA Faculty of Engineering graduation participants, who have completed their studies well. We hope that your undergraduate diploma will become a soft skill to form mentality and integrity amid increasingly stringent world upheavals," he said.