Strengthening the Mass Media Network, Lecturer in Biology Education UNIPMA Interns at RRI Madiun 

The current collaboration strategy is very important in developing the quality of educational institutions. Collaboration can involve elements of practitioners, government agencies, entrepreneurs, and various other components of society. As a strengthening of the communication process between academics and the public, the Biology Education study program collaborates with RRI Madiun. RRI Madiun's mass media partner is a radio that reaches people from the urban to the rural layers. So that through this network, it is hoped that it can become a media link for lecturer research and scientific results to be applied as community service that reaches out widely.
The lecturer internship program at RRI Madiun is one of the implementations of the Independent Campus Competition Program (PKKM) grant activities funded by the Ministry of Education and Culture in 2022. The lecturer who was apprenticed was Dr. Wachidatul Linda Yuhanna, M.Sc. The internship activities start from November to December 2022. "The lecturer internship focuses on introducing the work ecosystem at RRI Madiun and working on RRI collaboration projects," said Nurul Kusuma Dewi, M.Sc, as the PIC of the activity.
The implementation of this internship consists of several projects, namely Gender Mainstreaming (PUG) broadcast speakers, Numpang Nampang and Gait Indonesia. These three events have the potential to serve as a medium for community service. Intern lecturers also carry out broadcasting activities, reporters, and documentary film production in Madiun. Intern lecturers are also active in disaster response broadcasts, especially in the Mount Semeru disaster. "This activity is very challenging, I feel the atmosphere of the world of broadcasting and this is very useful if it is integrated into the Tri Dharma of Higher Education," said Dr. wachidatul Linda Yuhanna, an intern lecturer.
"We support the activities of apprentice lecturers, the existence of project collaboration has a great impact on improving the performance of the RRI Madiun team," said Yulia Harfiah, mentor and representative from RRI Madiun. The intern lecturer will then become a regular guest speaker at the Gender Mainstreaming (PUG) event which discusses the themes of education, the environment, and disaster response. After this activity ends, cooperation will continue to be enhanced in the form of more diverse projects. RRI Madiun also opens opportunities for lecturers and students to collaborate in internships and Higher Education Tri Dharma.