The Urgency of Implementing the Women-Friendly Village Program and Caring for Children in Manguharjo District, Madiun City 

The Law Study Program at the Faculty of Law (FH) Universitas PGRI Madiun (UNIPMA) carries out community service activities, with the title "Urgency of Implementing Women-Friendly Villages and Caring for Children". The community service was carried out on Friday, (9/12/2022) at 13.00 – 16.00 WIB, taking place on the 2nd (second) floor of the Manguharjo sub-district hall, attended by PKK women from the Manguharjo sub-district.

The material was delivered directly by the lecturers as well as researchers. Coincidentally, the UNIPMA Dean of Law was the head of the implementation team, namely Dr. Siska Diana Sari, S.H., M.H, together with its members, Dr. Sulistya Eviningrum, S.H., M.H. and Bintang Ulya Kharisma, S.H., M.Kn also participated as guest speakers.

As the first speaker on the socialization of the Urgency of Implementing Women-Friendly Villages and Caring for Children, Dr. Siska stated that, “the women-friendly and child-caring kelurahan program has a legal basis in Presidential Regulation No. 18 of 2020, RPJMN 2020-2024, as the mission of the national development agenda.

Urban Villages development that brings together the commitment and resources of Urban Villages government which involves the community and business world in the kelurahan in order to promote, protect, fulfill and respect children's rights, which is planned consciously and sustainably, explained by the second informant namely Dr. Sulistya. As a result of the service, it can be concluded that the development and protection of women and children is not only carried out by the PPPA Office, but by all implementing stakeholders.