Day 2 of PKKMB, UNIPMA freshmen were given material about student activities and public relations 

Wednesday, September 8, 2021. Entering the 2nd day, Universitas PGRI Madiun (UNIPMA) carries out Campus Life Introduction Activities for New Students (PKKMB) in 2021/2022. On this 2nd day, PKKMB participants took part in a series of materials including Student Organization and Activities, Public Relations and Cooperation materials, and Faculty and Study Program materials that had been prepared at LMS
Materials on Student Organizations and Activities were delivered by the Vice Chancellor III, Drs. R. Bekti Kiswardianta, M.Pd. On that occasion conveyed, the importance of student organizations to interact and get job opportunities. Because what is needed is not only academic ability, but also non-academic abilities are needed.
He explained, if students are active in organizing/student activities, they gain a lot of experience including training in leadership, learning to manage time, expanding networks or networking, honing social skills, problem solving and conflict management. “Because it will be a loss if you only become a butterfly student / go back to college and go home. Because experience in the organization is very important for the students themselves in the days to come,” he added.
Furthermore, the Presentation of Public Relations and Cooperation Materials by the Vice Chancellor IV, Dr. Bambang Eko Hari Cahyono, M.Pd. conveyed in the world of education there needs to be a cooperative relationship with other universities or with the business and industrial world. This collaboration is aimed at building links & matches so that our graduates are fit for the job market.
 Furthermore, the Presentation of Public Relations and Cooperation Materials by the Vice Chancellor IV, Dr. Bambang Eko Hari Cahyono, M.Pd. conveyed in the world of education there needs to be a cooperative relationship with other universities or with the business and industrial world. This collaboration is aimed at building links & matches so that our graduates are fit for the job market.
Cooperation in education has become an important thing, in the last three years UNIPMA under the Bureau of Cooperation and Public Relations there are 2 forms of student exchange, namely national student exchanges and international student exchanges. national student exchange, namely the spada and gems program.
“So we send selected students at Unipma to study in other universities. This is to broaden cultural horizons and also gain learning experiences at other universities,” he explained.
International student exchange, namely there is a sea tvet program or company internship, students can get to know each other's culture between nations, socialize with students abroad. As well as sea teacher programs, international student exchange programs, programs that aim to provide opportunities for students from universities in Southeast Asia to have practical teaching experience in schools in other countries in Southeast Asia.
 "I as Vice Chancellor IV really hope that new students will be interested in joining this program, because it is very useful." he concluded.
Interestingly, after the PKKMB participants finished listening to each material, they continued to work on the quiz that had been prepared by the PKKMB committee on the same page. In the quiz there is a provision with 10 questions about the allocation of 10 minutes for each material. To pass each material, new students must answer at least 6 questions correctly. It aims to evaluate and measure the understanding of new students in listening to the material