Optimizing Target Respondents and Valid Instruments, UNIPMA Tracer Study Successfully Holds Focus Group Discussion (FGD) 

Friday, September 3, 2021. In a series of implementations of the Tracer Study Assistance UNIPMA held an FGD (Focus Group Discussion) which was held online and offline. The event was held on Wednesday, September 1, 2021, offline at the UNIPMA Integrated Laboratory while online through the Zoom Meeting application.

This FGD event was attended by elements of the university leadership, the Chancellor, the Vice Chancellor, the Director, the Dean, all the heads of the D3/S1/S2 study programs. The event was also attended by the alumni coordinator.

The FGD resource person and the Head of the Tracer Study Bureau UNIPMA, Andista Candra Yusro, S.Pd., M.Pd., explained that this FGD activity was carried out to discuss the implementation and instruments of the Tracer Study at UNIPMA in 2021. The need for tracer study results as a reference for curriculum redesign.

"The tracer instrument must be agreed upon by all stakeholders, because there are several characteristics of faculties and study programs," explained Andista.

The activities carried out in the tracer study need more intensive communication with the Faculty Leaders. He emphasized that "The response rate is very important because even though the alumni data displayed by a campus is good, but if the response rate is low then this cannot be justified". So the UNIPMA Tracer Study tries to optimize the target respondents and valid instruments.