Orientation of International Class Lecturers for ICT Program at PGRI Madiun University in 2021 

Tuesday, August 31, 2021. PGRI Madiun University held an International Class Lecturer Orientation activity for the ICT Program at PGRI Madiun University in 2021. The event was held on Friday, August 20, 2021 starting at 14.00 – finished via the zoom meeting application.

The event was started first by MC Mrs. Brigitta Septarini R, S.S., M.Pd. followed by remarks from the Vice Chancellor IV UNIPMA, Dr. Bambang Eko Hari Cahyono, M.Pd. He said that this ICT program facilitates students in an effort to strengthen and increase competence through other study programs or other universities abroad to prepare students with global competencies.

Learning in the international class is where international students join Unipma classes so that learning uses English as a medium of instruction. Thus, the ultimate goal is for lecturers and students to be able to improve their English language skills and understand the content of the material presented.

ICT Program Coordinator, Sri Lestari, M.Pd. in reporting the number of lecturers assigned to teach international classes there are 14 lecturers from 6 study programs including Dian Permatasari kusuma dayu S.Pd., M.Pd, Candra Dewi, S. Pd., M. Pd. (PGSD), Restu Lusiana S.Pd., M.Pd, Dr.Wasilatul Murtafiah., S.Pd., M.Pd, Dr. Darmadi., S.Si., M.Pd (Mathematics Education) Moh Ubaidillah, M.Si (Accounting), Ariffiansyah Saputra, MM, Septyana Luckyta Sari, MBA, Robby Sandhi Dessyarti, MM, Aliffianti Safiria Ayu Ditta, M.Ak (Management), Nurul Kusuma Dewi, S.Si., M.Sc., Pujiati, S.Si., M.Sc. (Biology Education), Vita Vendityaningtyas, S.S, M. Pd, Dr. Aris Wuryantoro, M. Hum. (English language education).

With the holding of the ICT program, it is certainly very helpful for UNIPMA to be able to 'Go International'. It is hoped that this program will run and be successful and have a good impact on the progress of the UNIPMA campus.

The most important thing is that it can have a positive impact on the progress of the quality of education. For this reason, it is hoped that the international class lecturers of the ICT Program at PGRI Madiun University in 2021 can carry out their duties properly and in totality.