Ramadhan Diversity: Universitas PGRI Madiun Distributes Zakat Fitrah to the Community 

Universitas PGRI Madiun distributes zakat fitrah as part of its social commitment. The handover was carried out by Dr. Supri Wahyudi Utomo, M.Pd (Chancellor of UNIPMA), Drs. H. Imam Sujudi (PPLP PT PGRI Madiun), Dr. Elva Nuraina, SE., M.Si (Register I), Drs. Sardulo Gembong, M.Pd. (Dean of FKIP), Dr. drh. Cicilia Novi Primiani, M.Pd (Dean of Fiks), and the ranks of UNIPMA zakat fitrah administrators, Friday, 05/04/2024 at campus 1. Jl. Setia Budi No. 85 Madiun.

The zakat fitrah collected from the entire academic community and administrative officers is distributed to people in need around the campus and surrounding areas.

This activity is not only a religious obligation but also part of efforts to develop the character of students and the academic community at Universitas PGRI Madiun. Reception and distribution of zakat fitrah is carried out directly to people in need to ensure assistance is right on target.

Universitas PGRI Madiun emphasizes its commitment to continue to play an active role in helping improve community welfare and to be an example for other educational institutions in carrying out their social roles.