Program studi Pendidikan Ekonomi Menggelar Acara Guest Lecture dengan Narasumber Keluarga Besar Buruh Migran Indonesia (KABAR BUMI) dan Researcher dari University of Alberta, Canada Prof. Denize Spritzer. 

The event began with the signing of the MoU between KABAR BUMI and UNIPMA, followed by the signing of the Guest Lecture MoA between several study programs at PGRI Madiun University and KABAR BUMI namely Economic Education, Accounting Education, Pancasila Education and Citizenship, Law, Management and Accounting.

Chancellor of PGRI Madiun University, Dr. Supri Wahyudi Utomo, M.Pd gave a speech at the Public Discussion and Dissemination of Remittance Research Results entitled "Lives of Migrant Remittances".

"It is hoped that this collaboration can help and have positive benefits to be able to provide mutual support for each other regarding immigrants in Indonesia," said Dr. Supri Wahyudi Utomo, M.Pd. Friday 4 August 2023.

This event took place at the Integrated Lab Floor 1, Dr. Jeffry Handhika, M.Pd., M.Sc. (Vice Chancellor IV UNIPMA), Prof. Denize Spritzer (the University of Alberta Canada), Karsiwen (Earth News), and the responders Dr. Indriyana Dwi M, SH, MH, Dr. Heny Sidanti, SE, MM, Dr. Sulistya Eviningrum, S.H., M.H, Maretha Berlianatiya, S.Pd., M.Si, Yoga Ardian Feriandi, S.Pd., M.Pd., and Kristin Ningsih.

This collaboration will continue in several activities such as public lectures, seminars, research and community service. As was the case with Novita Erliana Sari, S.Pd., M.Pd as a Lecturer in Economics Education in a joint service with Kabar Bumi by collaborating with the University of Aberta Canada.

In addition, this cooperation can strengthen institutions through cooperation at both the national and international levels.
It is hoped that this guest lecture event can provide insight regarding legal protection for immigrants, learning about financial arrangements for immigrant families, to economic highlights.