UNIPMA Electrical Engineering Student Team Wins 2 Medals at The International Innovation Technology Expo 2023 

Two teams from the Electrical Engineering University  PGRI Madiun (UNIPMA) were able to win 2 medals in third place at The International Innovation Technology Expo 2023 by the Indonusa Surakarta Polytechnic.

The two titles include third place Bronze Medal in the Best Video category from the Punakawan team and third place Bronze Medal in the Potential Product category from the Electrical Team.

The Punakawan team, guided by Bayu Fandidarma, ST., MT with an innovative product entitled "Advance Harvest Honey Tool". Punakawan team members consist of Alfian Dwi Cahyanto (Team Leader), Muhammad Alif Karuniallah Cahyono Putra (Member), Tegar Prakoso (Member), and Alief Arida Dhimas Atmojo (Member).

The second team, the Electrical Team, was supervised by Churnia Sari, ST., MT. with a product entitled "Smartroof". Team members consist of Muhammad Fajar (Team leader), Muhammad Muchtarwi (Member), Irvan Nur Parsita (Member), and Muhamad Nuralam (Member).

The International Innovation Technology Expo 2023 competition is the stage for the UNIPMA Faculty of Engineering student team to test their creativity and innovation in the field of invention.

This achievement proves that the Faculty of Engineering UNIPMA fully supports the development of student talent and quality.

The success of winning these two medals will prove that the Faculty of Engineering has provided real benefits and brought the community to the development of human resources in the field of Engineering.

The UNIPMA Faculty of Engineering is also committed to continuing to develop and improve quality and support research and innovation that has a positive impact on society.

This success is a reflection of the dedication carried out by the UNIPMA Faculty of Engineering. So that this achievement becomes an inspiration for other students to achieve high achievements in academics and research, as well as realize the extraordinary potential that exists within them.