RAT with the spirit of Student Solidarity towards the Indonesian Smart Future Generation 

Reflection at the end of the ear (RAT) was an annual event of IKIP PGRI Madiun Students’ Organizations. This event aimed at strengthening the brotherhood of all students’ organizations or ORGAMAWA and the entire family of IKIP PGRI Madiun. This event was centered at Graha Cendekia. It consisted of many activities held by the joint committee of the whole ORGAMAWA (BEM, SMEs, HMF and HMPS).

RAT presented a series of activities. They were not only art activities but also educational activities. It started in December 5th, 2015 with an anti-radicalism seminar held at Graha Cendekia and opened to the entire member of IKIP PGRI MADIUN and public. Another series of events followed the seminar such as Interactive Dialogue and Art Performance Night in December 29, 2015.

The theme of this event was "The Spirit of Students’ Solidarities towards Indonesian Smart Generations" which was different from the same event in the previous year. By creativity and innovation which referred to the existing evaluation, this activity held a lot of championships and students potentials development. "This event has many innovations, there are championships and potential development. It has a function as an extra promotion under Art and Culture Department. There are dance, karawitan and band as well. In the future, hopefully we can be more enthusiastic and can maintain the brotherhood ", said Zulfa S. Awalallul, one of BEM members at Art and Culture Department. (Div. Humas-BKHK)