TUK UTBK PCK Exam for UNIPMA Pre-Service Teacher Professional Education Wave 2 Year 2023
The exam will take place on 19-20 September 2024, with time divided into three sessions. The first two sessions will be held on 19 September, while the last session will be held on 20 September 2024.
The exam involving 326 students will take place in seven laboratories spread across various UNIPMA campus locations, namely:
UPT Computer Lab 1: Campus 1 3rd floor UNIPMA
UPT Computer Lab 2: Campus 1 3rd floor UNIPMA
Mathematics Education Study Programme Lab: Campus 1 3rd floor UNIPMA
Accounting Education Study Programme Lab: Campus 1 2nd floor UNIPMA
Faculty of Economics and Business Lab: Campus 3, 4th floor, UNIPMA
Industrial Engineering Study Programme Lab: Integrated Lab 6th Floor UNIPMA
Accounting Study Programme Lab 2: Integrated Lab 6th Floor UNIPMA
The rules for conducting the exam test include
- Dress freely neat and polite (top shirt and bottom pants / long skirt) and wear shoes.
- PPG Teacher Candidate students in 2023 are present no later than 60 minutes before the UKPPPG Computer-Based Written Test in 2024 begins. If the participant arrives after the exam starts, the participant is not allowed to take the exam and the room supervisor reports on the minutes of implementation.
- Verify personal data by bringing identification (KTP/SIM) and participant's test card.
- No luggage is allowed to enter the exam room, including electronic equipment that can record such as mobile phones, watches, smartwatches, cameras or other tools that allow participants to cheat.
- Enter the exam room by showing each participant's identity card.
- Working on the questions is done after the start of the exam.
- Participants are not allowed to leave the room during the exam, except with the permission of the room supervisor.
- Participants are not allowed to leave the room before finishing the exam.
- It is strictly forbidden to disseminate exam questions because they are state documents and are confidential.
- Participants who are proven to have violated the rules will be expelled from the room and declared invalid in the exam.
To ensure the smooth running of the exam, the organising committee, room supervisors and proctors have conducted preliminary coordination. They are ready to oversee the entire exam implementation process, ensuring that each participant can take the exam in an orderly manner and according to applicable rules.
This exam is an important part of the Pre-Service PPG student certification process. With discipline and careful preparation, participants are expected to be able to complete the exam well and achieve a pass, so that they can continue their steps towards official recognition as professional educators.