Preparing Communities 5.0 Through Physics Learning 

While Indonesia and many countries are still adjusting to the 4.0 industrial revolution, Japan has issued the 5.0 Society initiations.

Industry 4.0 and society 5.0 is a momentum of change for developing countries, including Indonesia. The Indonesian people have the opportunity to catch up and become a developed country. In the National Seminar: The Role of Physics Educators in Preparing Society 5.0, which was held at the UNIPMA Integrated Laboratory, with the speaker Dr. Joko Siswanto, M.Pd., Dr. Viyanti, M.Pd., Dr. Winarti, M.Pd.Si., and Farida Huriawati, M.Sc., gave insight to Physics Education students to prepare 5.0 society through learning physics.

"We as part of the world of education must also participate and take action to prepare society 5.0 or community 5.0 through learning physics. So, a physics educator not only teaches about physics but also 21st century skills," said Joko Siswanto (31 / 07/2019).

Through learning physics and 21st century skills are expected to equip students to be better prepared to live the life of society 5.0 with the support of sophisticated technology. In addition, students are also expected to be able to initiate the development of technology for social life.