Following up on 2018 village development grants which were won by the Student Executive Board of the University of PGRI Madiun, monitoring and evaluation activities involved two reviewers from BELMAWA RISTEKDIKTI. The monitoring activities in the form of presentations in front of reviewers and other University PHBD teams were held on October 21, 2018 at the Islamic University of Indonesia, Yogyakarta. The Participants of PHBD are Universitas PGRI Madiun team, two teams from Gajah Mada University, two teams from Sebelas Maret University, one team from the host, one team from Mercu Buana University Yogyakarta, one team from Widya Dharma University. At the event, the PHBD team at Universitas PGRI Madiun managed to invite the reviewer to feel a sense of desire, so it was decided that the next day a field visit was made to Mloko Sewu, Pupus Village, Ponorogo Regency.

The PHBD Team of Universitas PGRI Madiun served the community by helping to create a tourism village by combining three concepts, namely natural beauty through photo spots and tourist icons, increased reading enthusiasm through living libraries, and environmental love movement through the use of trash into attractive and unique photo backgrounds. This concept is contained in a proposal title entitled Development of Tourism Village Through the Living Library Concept and Smart Rubbish as Educational Tourism Identity in Mloko Sewu Hamlet, Pupus Village, Ngebel District, Ponorogo which set aside 2,586 proposals from all over Indonesia in 3 selection stages. The development of this tourist village is expected to be sustainable as stated by one of the reviewers, Ms. Mientarti, "Infrastructure development has indeed been carried out, but what has the community been treated (taught)?"

The team of presenters representing the PHBD team at Universitas PGRI Madiun was Herlin Rosalina Febriyanti (Accounting Education) as team leader, Nurhuda (Accounting Education) as a member, R. Riza Setiawan (Informatics Engineering) as a member, and Elana Era Yusdita, M.Sc. as a supervisor. Team members who joined the villagers on the second day consisted of Bagus Wicaksono (Economic Education), Silvester Laksa Yoga Arsanta (Biology Education), Binti Munafiah (Accounting Education), Patan Aryadi (Indonesian Language and Literature Education), Handoko Endro Seputro (Education Electrical Engineering), Luluk Ardina Ayuningtyas, Firda Kusuma Wardani, and Husnun Fitria Rasyidah (Elementary School Teacher Education) successfully impressed reviewers. "Let's continue to be more creative," closed the reviewers before closing the monitoring and evaluation activities at Mloko Sewu on October 22, 2018.