Entering the 43rd Anniversary, Universitas PGRI Madiun Is Getting Ready To Be The Best 

Graha Cendekia, May 24th, 2018. Completing the agenda of its 43rd Anniversary, Universitas PGRI Madiun held a Scientific Oration with Dr. Ir.Paristiyanti Nurwardani, M.P. as the keynote speaker.

Through his scientific oration, Dr. Ir. Prastiyanti Nurwardani, M.P, who serves as the Director of Learning at the Directorate General of Belmawa, Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education, conveyed a very interesting topic: "Graduates and Lecturers with Global Competitiveness".

As stated, higher education both for the lecturers or students must have a balance between softskills and hardskills. Softskills can be supported with moral values ​​and virtuous. While hardskills can be realized in the form of credibility on science.

Any increase in access is considered very important to welcome the era of MEA. All the lecturers and students can start the first step to determine the vision and mission that can compete in all fields. Mastery of foreign languages ​​is considered as the key to support these competitions. In addition, new literacy is also needed to be encouraged in the forms of data literacy, technology literacy and human literacy.

At the end of the oration, it is stated that UNIPMA as one of excellence university in Indonesia is expected to be a container to create a better educational atmosphere and to have a high competence.